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George Harrison - Art Of Dying

		         Em7             Em6              C/G
		They'll come a time when all of us must leave here
		         B            B7         Em
		Then nothing Sister Mary can do can keep me here with you
		         Em7             Em6                C/G
		There's nothing in this life that I've been trying
		      B          B7              Em
		Can equal or surpass the art of dying
		B                    Em
		Do do do do, do you believe me?
		They'll come the time when all your hopes are fading
		When things that seem so very plain, become an awful pain
		Searching for the truth among the lying
		And answer when you will learn the art of dying
		Do do do do, are you still with me?
		E                         A
		Do do do do, but if you want it
		Ao7                         Em
		Do do do do, then you must find it
		E                          A
		Do do do do, but when you have it
		Ao7                               Em
		Do do do do do do, they'll be no need for it
		They'll come a time when most of us return here
		Brought back by our desire to be a perfect entity
		Living through a million years of crying
		Until you realize the art of dying
		Do do do do, do you believe me?
		Do do do do, do you believe me?
		INTRO (strum):                        OTHER CHORDS:
		  Em7 Em6 Em/C Em  Esus4 Em EmaddF#   C/G  Ao7
		E -0- -0-  -0- -0-  -0- -0- -0-       -0-  -2-
		B -3- -2-  -1- -0-  -0- -0- -0-       -1-  -1-
		G -0- -0-  -0- -0-  -2- -0- -0-       -0-  -2-
		D -2- -2-  -2- -2-  -2- -2- -4-       -2-  -1-
		A -2- -2-  -2- -2-  -2- -2- -2-       -3-  -0-
		E -0- -0-  -0- -0-  -0- -0- -0-       -3-  -x-

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